We are pleased to announce that Nettle TOC has been awarded the "TSE Industry Studies" grant for a feasibility study. The grant will enable us to conduct a preparatory investigation into the feasibility of a pilot project that will test innovative carbon-efficiency measures in a real-world setting, and will also include R&D efforts and experimental development.
In addition to this exciting news, we are also planning to use the grant to help us select equipment for scaling up our technology for producing bioplastic composite material from nettles. We believe that this is a critical step in our mission to create sustainable materials that can help reduce carbon footprints and make the world a greener place.
At Nettle TOC, we are committed to using the latest technology and innovative processes to help create a more sustainable future. We are grateful to RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) for supporting us in this endeavor, and we look forward to the next steps in our journey to create sustainable, eco-friendly materials.
#sustainability #innovation #grant #feasibilitystudy #pilotproject #carbonfootprint #R&D #experimentaldevelopment #sustainablefuture #NettleTOC #environmentallyfriendly #greenbusiness #bioplastic #composite #scalingup #sustainablematerials
